Project |01
Project |01 Petrological and geochemical studies of composite mantle xenoliths
The primary goal of this proposal is to find compound xenoliths that allow study of interactions at μm- to cm-scale across a contact between two mantle lithologies, and then to study gradients in major/trace elements, at grain- and xenolith-scale. Additionally, study of melt veins will elucidate the processes related with the mineral growth and timescales of the pre-eruption petrogenetic processes. Then we will develop benchmarks for kinetic modeling of such interactions in order to predict the behavior at scales where incomplete thermal and/or chemical interaction occur. The major goal is to be able to predict what kind of melts might have been extracted from a given compound source.

Project |02
Project |02 Characterization of the shock metamorphism of a suite of specific shocked ordinary chondrite meteorites and implications on our understanding of the properties of asteroids
The detailed study of the shock metamorphism characteristics of a sample of each types of ordinary chondrites will allows to see if the different types of chondrites behaved similarly to shock.